Friday 11 November 2011


2 blog 143Drop spindle workshopLast Sunday we held another of our occasional spinning workshops aimed at brand new spinners. During the day we looked at fibres and learnt how to use a basic drop spindle. There was great excitement when the students were allowed to investigate the contents of their project bags which contained fibres and the spindle together with some secret ingredients.
Drop spindle workshopDrop spindle workshopDrop spindle workshop
After grasping the basics and realising that dropping the spindle is really part of the learning process, they went on to create their own yarn using a drum carder to blend their own choice of colours into a batt ready for spinning.
Drop spindle workshop Their first yarns were beautiful, brightly coloured and textured and I am sure that they will be treasured.
Drop spindle workshopLater everyone had chance to play on a spinning wheel although some thought that it was too much like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time!!
We all had a great time, including Pete and myself and we thank everyone for coming ( and for bringing the biscuits!!!)

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