I popped in the other day because I was just walking up from Hockley into town and it was there. Absolutely lovely. I didn't get much info about the students involved because I didn't feel like talking (I've discovered podcasts on my shiny new phone so I'm catching up on all the Freakonomics episodes - fantastic, if a little anti-social...). But the wares on offer were fabulous. I took photos - lots of them:
I LOVED these lobster claw necklaces. Like seriously LOVED them!
There's some fantastic stuff - at all price points. I bought these fabulous little earrings:
Not that you can see them in that photo - they're little blue roses and only £3. That's a bloody bargain!
So go out and support our students folks, they're trying their best and doing really well!
I had to tell you about this today because the store closes at some time in early June but tomorrow I will tell you about my holiday. It was bloody marvellous!
Love Eleanor. :)
I bought a couple of lovely mugs from there on Saturday :-)